Yes, God is loving and yes God is our friend but He is also Holy, and Glorious.
I'm reading through this book called knowing God and it talks about God's names. Many of his names have to do with this awesome and fear-invoking Glory. His names describe him as a Lord of Hosts, meaning a God of angel armies, King of Kings, Everlasting Light, and Holiest of Holies.
These names don't describe a wimpy God, no they describe a God, who is powerful and mighty and righteous.
This should not discourage us; this should only encourage us. We have a God that doesn't just love us, but is powerful enough to do something about His love.
Have you ever tried to comfort someone you love when they are sad? We all have, and we all end up saying something along the lines of, "I wish there was something I could do"
Yet, isn't it great that we have a God who can actually do something, and also has our best interest at heart?
I often wonder why I don't focus on his Holy nature more often; I guess because I don't want to have an unhealthy dread of God's power, yet it is biblical to fear him. According to Mary A. Kassian, "to fear God means to be ever aware of His all-pervasive presence, conscious of my absolute need for Him, mindful of my responsibility to follow His way, determined to obey Him, cautious of offending Him, and overwhelmed in amazement and gratitude by His incredible goodness and grace" So, to fear God isn't negative; it just makes the gospel so much sweeter.
God is holy, set apart and glorious, yet He chooses to be an intimate father who knows our name.
Wow, how precious is that glorious paradox.
This also puts things into perspective. When I was at Passion Conference, God reveled to me a glimpse of His glory. He showed me that He has a tangible glory, I felt it in my chest. Then, I saw a picture of a throne room and I was a great distance away from Him. Yet, I was in His presence and welcome into the throne room.
Then, I began to think. As a person who has access into the very throne room of God, how does this change my life? Then, I thought about how if a king were to send you anywhere, you would have great power because all you would have to do in the face of opposition is name drop. You would say well the King sent me, and that would shut the other side up.
So, as followers of Jesus. God gives us the Royal seal on what He sends and calls us to do and then when opposition comes we have the privilege to name drop.
This is why we sing about his Great and Holy Name, because in His Name we have the power to defeat spiritual and physical opposition.
Moses asked God to show him his glory. Moses never got to see God's face, because if He did he would drop dead, but God allowed him to witness a huge part of His glory so huge that Moses face shined after talking with God.
So, today lets ask God to show us His glory, and let our face shine.
Today lets name drop when we are faced with the enemy, because we have access to a Mighty God.
Let us let go of fear, distrust, and pride step by step, as we see more and more the Lord of Hosts.
Praise the Lord, his Name is great and greatly to be praised.
Lord, show us your glory
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