The many church services we go too. The many lessons we hear about Jesus being the reason for the season.
Yet, still church becomes part of the list of things to do.
All throughout the old testament, God is calling the Israelites to remember. Remember the years of bondage in Egypt and remember the plagues. Remember the passover. Remember when He split the sea in two. Remember when He provided water from a rock and manna from the sky. Remember when He led you to the promise land, and provided you a king.
See the Israelites have a forgetfulness problem, and so did the new believers in the new testament.
Remember those earlier days after you had received the light, when you endured in a great conflict full of suffering. 33Sometimes you were publicly exposed to insult and persecution; at other times you stood side by side with those who were so treated. 34You suffered along with those in prison and joyfully accepted the confiscation of your property, because you knew that you yourselves had better and lasting possessions. 35So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded.
Hebrews 10:32-35
It's also safe to say that we have a forgetfulness problem. That is why Christmas exists, so that we do not forget to remember. Christmas is a time we remember that our God, who is mighty and holy, came down to earth and was born as a baby in a lowly manger. We remember that we are the reason He had to come because of the sin we possess. We remember that He came because He loved us, and wanted the separation that sin caused to dissipate so we could spend eternity with Him. He came in a manger to go to the cross. We remember all this.
So, let us not forget to remember. In my life, especially in times of doubt or confusion, God always brings to mind ways in the past he has proved His existence to me. One time, I was worried about an auditions and was nervous, and in order to encourage me my mom started quoting words from a song and then she turned on the radio and that very song was playing. One time, I was nervous about cheerleading tryouts and how my back handsprings had to competent and I didn't know what that word meant. The next day I was reading my bible and I read that I could find my competence in Christ. One time, God changed the heart of my Chinese exchange student and I saw her whole demeanor change when she accepted Christ, and she got baptized right before she left to go back. I remember one time when I was so stressed out at school and didn't have much time to study for a test and I ended up getting the best grade on the test that I got all year in that class. Lol remember that one time I won a car, and God used it to show me his grace.
We forget these things. We forget to remember them and hold them near to us. God has proved himself time and time again just like he did with the Israelites and we just forget. We forget to remember.
So this Christmas season let us not forget to remember.
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