Thursday, March 27, 2014

I'm scared of mistakes

I think we have already discussed that I am a perfectionist. 

I think we also have discussed that I get stressed about whether I doing God's will. 

Today, in my quiet time I realized that these two things go hand in hand. 

"I used to be afraid of failing at something that really mattered to me, but now I'm more afraid of succeeding at things that don't matter." -Love Does by Bob Goff

I realized today that I am afraid at failing at the thing that is most important to me, my walk with God.  
My biggest fear is one day I will fall away from God, failing to live the life that God wants me too.  

The other day I had a melt down.  I was worried that I had made a mistake, and I was super worked out about it, to the point of tears.  Then, my dad told me that I needed to stop worrying about stuff and have fun, and make mistakes and learn from them.  

Now, this is the most disturbing thing for a perfectionist to hear.  Make mistakes? What does that mean?  I can't make mistakes, I have to do my best with every fiber of my being to be the best Christian there is.  That means I can't make mistakes, especially with my choices.  I have to represent God well. 

Then, He asked me, "Have you made a mistake, during the time you have been away from home?"

I couldn't think of any huge decision choices.  Although I'm sure there was many. How sad:(

In 13 going on 30, Jennifer Garner comes home sad and full of regret and then asks her mom if there was anything she regrets to which her mom responds no…she tells her that she has made many mistakes but she learned from all of them and that is why she has no regrets:) 

So why am I so worried about making mistakes, that it paralyzes me with fear? Good things can come out of mistakes.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

We serve a mighty God, who is bigger than our mistakes, and failures. He is so much bigger than our choices.  

Now, I am not giving you permission to sin, because it is that sin that put our beloved Lord on the cross.

But I am saying don't be so scared your going to mess up that you don't live life.   

Life is worth the living, and mistakes are worth learning from, so let us go out there and make some.  

I would rather make mistakes and have God glorified through my weaknesses than live a seemingly perfect life that is clouded with fear.  

Did you know there are actual inventions that came out of accidents?:) I googled it. Cornflakes, Microwaves, Silly Puttys, Post it notes, The slinky, Potato chips, Fireworks and Play-doh were all invented through accidents. 

Imagine Fourth of July without fireworks. Imagine life without a mirocwaves and imagine childhood without silly putty or a slinky.  

The life you just imagined would have been reality, if those inventors were afraid to make mistakes, or afraid to be wrong.

So, lets go live and lets go make some mistakes. For we serve a mighty God that will allow us to learn and get stronger from them. 

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