Saturday, July 26, 2014

Becoming a true princess

Hey guys!! Sorry I haven't posted in a while...I've been working for pine cove. 

Yet I wanted to take this opportunity to tell you what I learned week 8 in Taylor, South Carolina.

The beginning of the week brought much needed disipline from the Lord. He was basically showing me how selfish I was and I just broke. I was so dissapointed in myself that I had been acting that way and I wanted to change. 

Yet, the next few days during was my job to teach humility to my campers. Yet, I wasn't sure I understood it

So, I'm sitting there teaching my campers about humility and ultra confused. I'm like I get your supposed to think of others more than yourself but you still have to take care of yourself right? Where is the balance? 

So anyway I'm sitting there confused trying to teach. Then God gives me the words to say and man it all makes since now so I thought I would share it with y'all.

So, I had been telling my campers all week that they were princesses because they were daughters of the king:) 
So I was telling them as a princess we must have a certain grace and poise. 
There are princesses out there that are snotty and like to brag but true princesses are grounded in who they are.

Then it dawned on me that humility is having an accurate picture of who you are in Gods eyes. 

For a true princess is so secure in who she is in Gods eyes that she doesn't need attention from anyone else!!

It makes so much since now! Humility isn't thinking that you are dirt but it's knowing how treasured you are in Gods eyes and how the girls and guys next to you are as well. It's being secure in how God sees you and the love He gives you that you can pour out His love to everyone else. 

For selfishness forces you to take and not to give. You need things as a human but the problems come when we look to the wrong person to fulfill those needs. When I look to the world, I will be forced to take and take to try to satisfy my needs. Yet when I look to Jesus, He gives me more than I could ever need. So then I have so much that I can give to those around me.

I don't know about you but I want to be a true princess. Who knows who she is and who God made her to be. Who looks to God to fulfill her heart so that she can give to those around her. 

I love you all:) thanks for reading:) 

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