Monday, June 16, 2014

Why camp is so great?

Over the years I've been to many different camps. I've been to church camps, through Student Life and at Riverbed retreat center.  I've been to a camp that trained me for leadership in the church through the SBTC. I have also been to All-State choir camps.

This summer I am even working at Pine Cove's Camp in the City, as a counselor.    

Now, why do I love them and why do I think you should go to camp or recreate camp?

Because life change happens.  

Camp is a time where you out of your normal routine.  Your in a different place and it's a time to get away from all other distractions and focus on a specific thing.  

All the camps that I have been to, excluding the choir ones, that specific thing was Jesus.  

I get to get away, usually without my cell phone and just be at camp.  

I learn stuff, and I get close to the people around me.   There is just something about being stuck in the same cabin with the same people for five days that makes you bond.  Memories are made when you are so tired because you've been through rec and free time and haven't really slept much all week. 
It is a great experience. 

My family took in a foreign exchange student one year and we took her to church and evangelized to her.  We tried to show her what Jesus was like through our words and actions. We would tell her the gospel over and over but it was to no avail until church camp.  I had to beg her to go but she did and one night she gave her life to Christ.  She became a different person, a person that was kind and sociable and nice, almost instantly.  

So, I'm going to camp with my church tomorrow and I would challenge you to find a camp to go too, there are camps and retreats for all ages, youth and family camps alike.  

If you don't have either the time or the money, then make you own camp.  

Have a day, a couple days, or a week even, where you don't watch TV, get online, or use your phone.  Block yourself away from the world and focus on one specific thing, Jesus.  

Friday, June 13, 2014

5 ways to ignite your passion for the Lord

Sometimes there are seasons where we are going to church, and church camps and bible studies. Yet we are dry…so dry.  We are bored.

One your not alone.  We all go through places where feelings are dry, yet you don't have to stay that way.

Here are 5 ways to revamp your passion for the Lord.

1. Recognize that feelings are not everything.

During dry spells, it is easy for us to think that since we feel like God is so far away, that He is actually far away.

That is a lie for God says that He will NEVER leave us or forsake us.  His love NEVER fails.

Feelings are always real, but they aren't always truth.  You may feel separated from God, but that is not the truth, you are not separated from the Lord.

2. Remind yourself of the gospel.

The gospel is not just a tool to get people saved and quite frankly I'm annoyed that I've viewed it that way in the past.

The gospel is the only thing that changes us and sanctifies us.   The Christian life is simply a quest to understand the gospel more and more each day.   Seeing it in different lights and seeing it from different perspectives.

So, today dwell on what God did for you.  How the father had to look away as His Son took upon the sins of the world, and died a horrific death on the cross.  The fact that He did this for us, so that we could spend eternity with Him.  The fact that He rose from the dead.  We often forget that He didn't just die for us but He rose again miraculously so that He could be with us.

Take time to remind yourself of what He did for you, and what He is still doing for you.

3. Remind yourself of Who Christ is.

Take 5 min, just 5 min of everyday and recite characteristics of God, back to God.  If you need ideas for attributes, check out the blog post called Broken Hallelujah.

Tell Him that He is just, kind, loving, merciful.  Just reflect on His character and How lovely it is.

4. Worship Him.

I'm talking in your room by yourself.  Turn on your favorite song and spend some intimate moments, that are just you and the Lord.  I think of worship as a dance.  So, sometimes I just dance with the Lord.  I do this when I'm home alone and I can enjoy my date with the Lord.  I dance with Him.  I dance for Him.  I sing to him and I sit and rest in His presence.  It is wonderful.

If you need some great songs check out the album, You Make Me Brave by Bethel, or the Passion 2014 album, both albums put me in a spirit of worship.

5. Spend time with other believers talking about who God is and what God is doing in your lives

Yes, we go to church and bible studies.  But why don't we find one or maybe two other people that are the same gender and take them out to coffee and just share what God is doing in our lives.  There is nothing more exciting than hearing from others what the hand of God is doing in their lives.

So, now you have 5 ways to reignite your passion for the Lord.  Just know we all go through dry seasons that what makes the rainy seasons so special.  Yet, I love to have passion for my Lord, so I hope these help and if you have anymore ways, feel free to comment:)

I love you, thanks for reading.

Friday, June 6, 2014

God doesn't need you

Based on the title, you were probably intrigued and maybe asked yourself if Kenady has become a heretic?

Well, I assure you that although we don't hear this often in the church, it is one of the most life-giving truths once we fully understand it.

Let's start with God.  God is a triune God, meaning that He is one God with three distinct persons.  If you have questions on the trinity, you can private message me, but for now we are going to move on.

God loves himself.  Now, this makes us all cringe.  That means God is selfish right? No!! God is God and if He loved anything more than himself, it would be an idol.  You hear me?

So, once we can wrap our minds around this, it's really rewarding.

Next principle, God not only loves Himself, but God loves Himself, more than He loves you.

Now, this is hard for selfish me to get through my head.  I'm like no God loves me, He really does!

It's very, very true.  God loves you,  and He loves you more than anything else He created.

Yet, God doesn't need you.  Say what?  God is completely sufficient within Himself.  He has everything He needs.

This is hurtful until you understand a simple principle.

So, I really enjoy attention. I'm an only child.  Attention is like currency to me and whoever gives the most of it, must be the most valuable.

Yet, God is changing this attitude, thank goodness, through the way of my boyfriend.

I realized that I was really stressed out about our relationship because I needed him.  I was going to him to fulfill a God-sized need for attention.  Basically I was putting my happiness and contentment, in someone else's human hands, and that is stressful.  No matter how much attention he gave me, and trust me he gives me a lot, it still won't be enough because the hole in my heart is a God-sized hole.   So, when I turn to God to fulfill me in giving attention, I no longer need and/or desperate for my boyfriends attention.  This gives me a whole lot more time and energy to love him.

Now, let's relate this to God.  When God doesn't need us, He has all of his time and energy, which never runs dry, to love us.

The next truth is: God may not need us, but He wants us.

This is by far the most amazing news ever.  God loves me when I do nothing for Him.  I don't complete Him. That is why He can send His son to die on the cross out of love for a people, that could never love Him back.  God wants your love, but He doesn't need it.  So, He risks it all, to pursue us with His love.
I love this picture…See God's hand on the right is reaching for Adam, not out of need, obviously Adam is not giving God anything.  Yet, because God doesn't need Adam, but wants him, God can pursue us with all confidence even when He gets nothing in return. 

If God needed Adam, He wouldn't be going to Adam.  But because God wants Adam, there is nothing we could to stop God from running towards Adam. 

So, please share this post so that everyone knows that God wants them.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Are you robbing yourself of joy?

I was at pine cove orientation this past week, and a couple people said something that caught my attention.

They said: Comparison is the thief of all joy.

I've recently been convicted of comparison.

I look at people at DBU and I compare how busy they are to me, and how their relationships are compared to my relationship.  I spend my time and effort saying well she did it that way, and I'm doing it this way.  Well, her life looks like this so maybe that is what my future could look like.

The reality is if you keep comparing yourself to others, your never going to be good enough.  For they will always be someone better than you at something, and if there isn't you'll find something else to compare.

See how this could rob you of your joy.

God made each and every one of us, exactly the way He wanted to.  So what!  I can't spell to save my life, and my vertical is less than desirable?  That's the way that God made me and designed me.

That being said, we should also not compare our friends to other people in our life.  For me, this is a helpful step in analyzing a person.  It helps me to break down a persons characteristics and compare and contrast them with others.  Yet, my poor boyfriend gets the bad end of the deal because I'll tell him He is like some character in a book or something.

Yes the character might be a great character in a book.  Yet, just like it makes us feel bad to be compared to others, it makes others feel bad when they are compared to others.

How would you feel if you boyfriend and girlfriend kept comparing you to their ex-girlfriend and ex-boyfriend all the time?  I'd feel pretty ugly.

So, then why do we compare others?

That being said comparison is a waste of time.  I should use that time to be the best Kenady I can be rather than trying to be the best someone else I can be.  I'm not saying that role models are bad, or trying to understand people are bad, yet no one is exactly alike and that is what makes us beautiful. So, let us rejoice in our differences and similarities.

So, today lets celebrate the way that God made us and the other people around us.  Lets celebrate our victories and work together to minimize our weaknesses.  Lets understand who we are, and not get defeated when comparing ourselves to others.

Contentment leads to joy.  So lets stop comparing and rejoice in who God made us to be