This summer I am even working at Pine Cove's Camp in the City, as a counselor.
Now, why do I love them and why do I think you should go to camp or recreate camp?
Because life change happens.
Camp is a time where you out of your normal routine. Your in a different place and it's a time to get away from all other distractions and focus on a specific thing.
All the camps that I have been to, excluding the choir ones, that specific thing was Jesus.
I get to get away, usually without my cell phone and just be at camp.
I learn stuff, and I get close to the people around me. There is just something about being stuck in the same cabin with the same people for five days that makes you bond. Memories are made when you are so tired because you've been through rec and free time and haven't really slept much all week.
It is a great experience.
My family took in a foreign exchange student one year and we took her to church and evangelized to her. We tried to show her what Jesus was like through our words and actions. We would tell her the gospel over and over but it was to no avail until church camp. I had to beg her to go but she did and one night she gave her life to Christ. She became a different person, a person that was kind and sociable and nice, almost instantly.
So, I'm going to camp with my church tomorrow and I would challenge you to find a camp to go too, there are camps and retreats for all ages, youth and family camps alike.
If you don't have either the time or the money, then make you own camp.
Have a day, a couple days, or a week even, where you don't watch TV, get online, or use your phone. Block yourself away from the world and focus on one specific thing, Jesus.