While all of those are valid reasons and probably true, but I would venture to guess that there is another reason that is a big part of it.

We may be caught in traffic every day for no reason. We may be up to our eyeballs in shopping lists, and our calendar may be full with lots of Christmas parties.
However, there is something about knowing that some things never change.
It's the one time of year where you here old songs, and I mean old songs on the radio. It's one of those times where you do the same thing every year because it's a tradition. There's the same old tree, with the old ornaments and there is something calm about that. It's a time for nostalgia for doing things the same way because that's the way it always was.
I believe there is a deep deep longing inside each of us that wants stability. We are in a world that is constantly changing and yet inside we long for stillness. We wish the world would just slow down for a minute.
Because we are longing for Jesus. Our heart longs for stability and stillness because we have a God-sized hole. We are longing because we are caught in the already but not yet of the redemption story. God did come and set us free, however, He will come again and redeem all of heaven and earth. We long for this, and all of creation is crying out for a savior.
The world is crazy and things are constantly changing, but I praise God because He is faithful. I praise God because He never changes. This knowledge provides me with a peace that the world can not simply give.
He is the one thing I can count on.
Even Christmas, as sure as it is, will change on us. Family members will leave us. People will get married and have to split time. Kids will grow out of there favorite Christmas pajamas.
So when you are overwhelmed by change this year, or longing for stability....
let us not forget to remember that when the world is constantly changing, we have a God that never changes, a God that is the same yesterday, as He was today, as He will be forever.
Praise God! Lord, help me never to forget.
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