Starting in 2017, I branded every year with a motto. It gave me some sort of goal to shape the planning of that year.
In 2017, it was my "Live It Up Year." Wow! 2017 was amazing. I felt at the beginning of this year that nothing could top it. I traveled to Italy and tried the best pasta you could ever imagine, I got lost in Venice, I sang in the Vatican, I went on a ski trip with my friends, I traveled to Greece with my family, I got to lead worship with a full orchestra in the Adirondack mountains, I won a scholarship, and I worked for the GRAMMY's and got to go to ACL and the GRAMMY Christmas party.
Well, It seems like I have to follow my own advice because I've forgotten how awesome that year was!
This brings me to this year, 2018, I mean how could I top last year? I had to come up with a motto. So I landed on "Dream God-sized dreams!" I knew a lot was going to change this year with me graduating and all and I didn't want to sell God short.
However, I was disappointed.
To me, God-sized dreams were having my musical performed in New York, or getting a job in New York, or having some nice awesome pad with amazing roommates.
To me, a God-sized dream was having a job come in my timing, and everything to work out the way I want it.
Whoa, how selfish am I? I had forgotten God's voice.
Elijah was on the mountain and where was God's voice? It didn't come in the fire no, or the wind no, or the earthquake no! It came in the still small voice.
I love what God asks here in 1 kings 19, "What are you doing here, Elijah?"
What are you doing here, Kenady? Why were you looking for me in the fire, and the earthquake, when my still small voice is better.
I forgot that God-sized dreams cannot be limited by my expectations no matter how big my expectations are.
And guess what? My Kenady-sized dreams may have not come true but what I got is so much better.
I graduated from an awesome school. I've gotten to do three amazing readings of my musical, and joined this amazing mastermind group that inspires me to produce! I get to be an officer for the Texas Business Hall of Fame with some awesome people.

I still got to Camp-of-the-Woods and let me tell you, the Lord redeemed and worked so much in my life there!
I met an amazing Godly man who reminds me that simple things are often the sweetest, and I got a job at an amazing place, the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention, that provided me with a camp years back that I cherished in high school.
I got to sing and dance! I got to worship, and I made/continued friendships that I hope will last a lifetime!
God is good.
So in short, I may not have been dancing in Venice or performing on Broadway this year, but the God-sized dreams that God had for me were so much better.
This year was truly amazing and awe-inspiring! What will 2019 be like?
So let us not forget to remember his still small voice, and that his plans are way better than our own!