Saturday, February 14, 2015

Being single on Valentines day isn't a bad thing!!

I have never had a boyfriend on Valentines day.  I've never gotten a bear and chocolates or a dozen roses on Valentines day.  You know what?  I'm totally okay with that.

I'm aware that I'm single but why is that a bad thing?  I actually like being single, most of the time:/  Now, don't get me wrong, if a prince charming walked through the door, I'd definitely get excited.  But who says that when you single, you can't enjoy valentines day.

I love love.   I love watching women get showered and cherished on valentines day.  I'm not going to lie,  I still sometimes feel that twinge of sadness, and ask when it's going to be my turn?  Yet, I realize that this day is beautiful when you have someone special to share it with.  Maybe that someone special is your best friend, or you daddy, or your boyfriend.  But other than that, It's a day for couples and I know it's made up, but I still love it.  

Marriage was designed to be a reflection of God's love for us.  So, valentines day we get to see such a small picture of God's love for us.  Your boyfriend may get you roses, but God made roses for us.   You may get taken out on a special date, but God longs to spend time with you every day and is with you every moment.  You might get some chocolates,  but God has given you a world that is full of beautiful, tasty, and wonderful things.  

It's okay to want romance.  It's okay if your a little sad to be single today, but let's not stop in sadness but let us rejoice that we get to cheer on couples from the sidelines and rejoice that they have a special someone, because one day we might be in the game, and we will want people to be happy for us, not whining about how their single on valentines day.  Am I right?

So, in whatever, phase of life your in single, dating, engaged, or married, let God's heavenly romance touch you today.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

We all have Baggage to Claim

You've got baggage behind you
But no where to go
Your heart beats faster
Does anyone know?

The weight you carry
Demands an extra charge
For you fears and pain
Come in extra large 

They ask for your baggage 
You decide to carry it on
You just can't let it go
Your scared might be long gone

The weight keeps from love
Your just afraid
That If you let go 
It will open you up for pain 

If you keep it here 
You know the baggage you'll claim
So you carry the burden
Weigh down the plane 
Your familiar with the baggage claim

You meet a girl
That makes you believe
That the baggage 
could just walk away and leave

Yet instead she comes 
With baggage of her own
And the burdens she carries
Can't be carried alone

You start to let go of yours
Only to find that hers is enough
Caring her bags
Is more than just tough

You scream let go 
This weight is too heavy
She tries but can't 
She's the one feeling guilty

If you keep yours
You can't belong
But if you let go
You'll have a different song
You long to get on the plane
But you've grown familar to the baggage to claim 

What if you let go
Of your security 
That girl loved you
And You'd be free

You'd be a tangled up mess
For she has weight too
But it takes two to defeat
This burden you hold on to 

Grab her hand 
You have to let go
And maybe just maybe 
you'll get on the plane 
and You'll have someone else's baggage to claim.

Poem: © 2015 Kenady Shope

What if we let go of the baggage that claims us, only to grab on to another hand? God's hand.  It's so easy to hold on to the junk we've been carrying around.  We are used to it, and familiar and if we let go, some new baggage might come along.  Yet  if we don't let go, we may never get to share in someone else's burdens.    God says "Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Matthew 11:28-30 

Let's Pray:
God we love you and we thank you for being a wonderful and merciful God who helps us carry our burdens.  Help us know when it's time to let go, so we can take a bigger grasp at who you are.  We love you and need you.
In Jesus's name 