Monday, January 26, 2015

Come as you are, your shame has already been paid for...

Dear my Lily,

Where have you been?
I've been trying to fix my sin,
For you I'm too tattered and too torn
But Lily, I can make you reborn.

But God, You'd be disappointed to see
the mess that has become of me
No, I'll be delighted that you coming home
Its about who you run toward not where you come from

I created you and knew your my will for you
before you mom knew pink or blue
All I wanted was for you choose
me or you 

So, who's it going to be my precious daughter
Do you think the one who saves can ever falter?
Or can you save yourself?
How's that been working out?

I love you and I'm quite jealous
that you would settle for something less
For I can show you a kingdom
where you will be blessed

Stop fixing yourself
you'll only get tired
for I'm the Creator
and quite frankly you're fired.

Sit and rest and dwell on my power
think of me every rising hour
I know you think I want more
but I just want to be yours

If you have to earn anything for love
that love is not from me
for I just want you
that why the scars in my hand bleed

You are exquisite
a beautiful lily 
You've been saved
you are free. 

So step out of the prison
you have been reborn
Look at yourself 
your no longer tattered and torn

While you and I were talking I took the leisure
of filling your holes
For with me,
you'll be full

So next time 
come to me first
I'll satisfy your hunger
and quench your thirst.

Don't be ashamed of where you've been
for I've already took the shame of your sin
The shame even died with me
so your shackles are gone and you are free.

Dance with me,
My sweet Lily

Your savior,

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